Day 13 Without Anxiety

Hogwarts House Sorting

What's The Challenge?
To be sorted into my Hogwarts House, (via The Sorting Hat Ceremony, on Pottermore #notanad).
Why The Anxiety?
Any Potter Fan I know has always been a little nervous to take this test. With my anxiety, there is no such thing as little nerves. Essentially the reason I'm worried here is my lack of control, even though I will be the one answering the questions I cannot predict which house I will be assorted into nor can I ask to switch. We all have a fave Hogwarts House and I don't want to be disappointed.
Anxiety before? 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴⭕⭕⭕⭕
I feel a little pathetic, I'm actually shaking as I'm typing 'Pottermore' into my URL bar. Why am I actually so nervous? I would be happy to be in any one of the houses, and it's not the quiz will turn around and say: "you shouldn't be here you're not Hogwarts material!". There is litteraly no amount of rejection or failure that can happen here, yet I feel like I'm back in Uni about to sit the most important exam of them all.Why do I feel this way? If you have already completed The Sorting Ceremony before reading this,let me know if you felt remotely similar? Is it because of my anxiety, or due to my love the magical world, or am I worried that I'll be sorted into a house that doesn't match my personality at all?
Anxiety During? 🔴🔴🔴⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕
Watch the video (above) to hear my thoughts and reactions as I complete the Sorting Ceremony (full disclosure: certain questions have been removed so that people cannot copy my answers to acheive the same results). As soon as I started the quiz and my mind was focused on answering the questions my fear stopped almost dissapeared entirely. I was so focused and engrossed in the task at hand that my mind didn't have time to worry about anything else. I made sure I read through each of the questions and answers carefully, to answer as truthfully as I could. I didn't use any form of distraction technique, instead I threw myself into the task at hand and this seemed to take up all of my attention. It's almost like I had been transported to another place where my worries did not exist, at this point it didn't matter what House I was sorted into, answering the questions was the most important. Ther wer no countdowns on time limit, although you did have to complete the answers fairly quickly, there were nocountdowns on the amount of answers left to go and i think that's what allowed me to compartmentalise this task in this way.

Anxiety After? 🔴⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕
I'm Hufflepuff and I'm so happy, is there any lingering dissapoinment that I'm not in Gryffindor or that a Hufflepuff didn't make it into Harry's Squad? No, not at all. I'm actally rather proud to be sorted into Hufflepuff House and think I would I would fit in rather nicely. All my nervous feelings and anxious sysptomous have gone, I guess becuase the overwhelming sensation of a lack of control and not knowing what will happen next has disspitated. I decide to test this theory one step further to find out My Wand , Patronus, and even my Ilvermorny House (Watch the video, to find out my results). Sure enough, despite my frustration of a poor internet connection, the fetures images not uploading properly and the missing letters on words (wtach the Patronus Test), I had far less anxiety infact I would say I had the least amount of anxiety I've ever had after completing a challene. I think that's pretty good going.
I'm still a Hufflepuff, and I still have anxiety, this was the first of many challenges that helps to overcome a fear of filling out forms, and alleviates that anxiety and fear.
If you have any Challenge Ideas; Please comment down below and let me know.

Thanks for Reading , please remember to check out The Video!

Enjoy Day 13? Why not Read/Watch Day 12?

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