Day 16 Without Anxiety

D.I.Y. Hair Cut

What's the challenge?
Cutting my Hair by myself. (I'm not really sure why I put a Title on these Blog Posts at this point).

Why The Anxiety?
I think we all know, Just how wrong this could go, we've all seen the fails, we've all seen how much I shake when I'm nervous, we all know this is not a good idea. I'm going to battle through everyone's perfectly sane remarks and constructive comments on how I should stop before I completely damage my hair and end up looking like a little boy (which there is absolutely nothing wrong with, just not my desired look). Shall I continue, or do we all get what I'm talking about? If you are not a trained professional please do not try this challenge a home. Thank you, now please continue to read and watch the Video above.

Anxiety before? 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴⭕⭕⭕
Well, well, well, as mentioned above shaking is a common symptom mentioned in these blog posts, because I shake involuntarily when I feel anxious. Perfectly fine for any other challenge, not fine for this one, so obviously It's worse than normal! Believe it or not, there is a part of me, -sure only a tiny part but still there- that doesn't mind if this turns out to be a complete fail. "I want to be rid of these terrible dead ends, this is a good thing": is the sentence I keep saying to myself over and over again convincing me this is a good idea. I feel sweaty, shaky and very hot (temperature wise guys), I'm nauseous and all the other symptoms that come with a level 7 anxious state of mind.

Anxiety During? 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴⭕⭕⭕
I wasn't sure what number to put down at first because as soon as I started cutting I felt a surge of relief and preemptive enthusiasm and Joy. I start to think "I can do this", Whilst at this same time silently freaking out "Ahhhhhhhhhhh, What am I doing to myself??? why has no one stopped me? What if I cut off too much?? Oh NO, I'm going to be bald!! 😱😭" inside. So I thought I'd keep at the steady and realistic 7 on the big ol' read circle anxiety scale. (ooh, yeah that's what those red circles indicate 🔴⭕, but you already knew that right?). This could be the one challenge I regret doing. Frankly this is the biggest mix of emotions I've ever had doing a challenge and I'm trying really hard to concentrate (you can tell by the inflamed nostrils on my face, can't see them? Watch the video then?) and to not concentrate on everything that can go wrong but if I don't think about the things that could go wrong I might end up doing them!? This is exhausting!!! My arms are soo tired, why did I think cutting my own hair was a good idea? Oh wait, I didn't, I just wanted to regain control over how I looked when others were in charge of how I looked and found a sneaky loophole. Sneaky.

Anxiety After? 🔴🔴🔴⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕
After believing I did an ace job, I pranced downstairs with my fresh cut, ready to flick it in everyone's faces, but that little nagging anxious stopped me in my tracks and instead I say "Muuuuuuuuum, I made a booboo. I just gave myself a haircut -as input the scissors down two seconds ago- now can you tell me if it looks straight please?" and I twirl around so the back of my head is in her sight line.(Yes, I am aware I type how I talk, thank you for pointing that out, No, I don't think there is any problem with that either, adds a personal touch.) To my relief, my mother says "Yeah looks straight at the front" but then... " I don't know how but you've gone diagonally at the back". Oh no, the nightmares and warnings are true people, Don't do this at home, by yourself, I did warn you. Luckily for me, my mamman agreed to even off the ends and tadaaaaaaa, my cut was finished and it didn't cost me a penny, just my blood, sweat, and tears (minus the blood). Hello, feeling of relief, yes, please sweep yourself all over me, thank you!

I am not (I doubt I ever will be) a fully qualified hairdresser and I haven't attempted to cut my hair since. I was asked If going to an actual hairdressers makes me a little bit of a scaredy cat, giving up control of my hair, having to small talk with a stranger (why do hairdressers want to know every detail about your life?) have someone actually stare at you and your hair, not know what to do with your self or when you'll be able to drink the beverage the lady just got you without pouring it down yourself or getting hair in the drink... Yes, alright fine, I'm scared... Going to the Hairdressers with be a future challenge!

If you have any Challenge Ideas; Please comment down below and let me know.
Remember to check out The Video!

Thanks for Reading

Enjoy Day 16? Why not Read/Watch Day 15? (when my family decides what I wear for a week..)

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