Day 21 Without Anxiety

Impromptu Underwear Shopping

What's The Challenge?
Underwear (bra) Shopping.

Why The Anxiety?
If you are a woman or girl above the age of 13 will more than likely have been bra shopping. In the beginning, they're like little tank tops and your mum will come with you and help pick out your size. Once your mum knows your size, she might generously go out and buy you one or two without you even needing to step in a changing room. As you get older, bra shopping becomes your responsibility and a stressful one at that. If you're not a woman or you are but you've never had the need to shop for bras, you, my friend are lucky. I find bra shopping nerve-racking, it's not as simple as choosing the one you like and then finding your size, oh no, you have to pick the one you like take 2 or 3 different shapes and sizes into the fittings rooms with you, then once you've tried them all on you discover none of them sit or feel right and you're back at square one. I also feel there is a lot of pressure from shop assistants when picking out underwear and other people in the store, it can be embarrassing and highly uncomfortable and I haven't even got to the part where creepy men or horny teenage boys hang around. I'd really rather not go, but it's a must, not only do I have the apprehension that most women do I also have anxiety which means everything I'm feeling is amplified and I find myself a sweaty shaky mess in-between rows of frilly lingerie.

Anxiety before? 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴⭕
Day 21 was supposed to be the dentist but I got my dates and times mixed up, all was not lost; I rearranged the appointment for the next day, and since I was already in town I decided to do a bit of shopping, underwear shopping to be exact. I didn't have much time to be anxious, I was almost in the store by the time I'd decided to go bra shopping. Maybe that's the key no planning ahead just spontaneity, although somehow I don't think that's a long term plan to busting my anxiety symptoms.  

Anxiety During?🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴⭕⭕⭕⭕
I feel extremely self-conscious! I wonder if men feel the same when buying underwear, guys if you're reading this, let me know. I go to a few shops to compare a few prices and see the different varieties they have to offer, there are so many and sizes are different in every store. I felt so lost and dazed, like a deer in headlights. My palms had started to go sweaty and I honestly felt sick. I took so many bras into the fitting rooms at one time and I only liked one or two in every store. I feel like everyone is watching me and judging the decision I make. In one shop, I run into someone who used to be a friend, -they're actually really mean, and we don't speak anymore- all my instincts are telling me to stop what I am doing put my items down and leave the store, essentially I wanted to run and hide. I suddenly feel this surge of confidence and stubbornness rising from inside me and before I knew I was walking over to the cash desk ready to be served by them. I'm not quite sure where that came from, but I'm so glad it happened when it did.

Anxiety After? 🔴🔴⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕
Not only did I manage to pick up some nice underwear (I've been in Bridget Jones comfy undies for too long), but I face a bully, with confidence and grace. I'm currently on cloud 9, I'm extremely proud of myself and feel incredibly empowered. Who would have thought buying some undies could be such a rewarding experience. I'm not quite sure where that surge in confidence came from but now I know I'm capable of being that way I feel so much more at ease. I do have the confidence, it is there it's just buried a little bit under the anxious rubble.

I still and probably always will have anxiety going shopping for bras, it's a stressful experience for many women and I am not an exception.

If you have any Challenge Ideas; Please comment down below and let me know.
Remember to check out The Video!

Thanks for Reading

Enjoy Day 21? Why not see Day 20?

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