Day22 Without Anxiety

The Dentist

What's The Challenge?
Going to the dentist.

Why The Anxiety?
Many people experience anxiety when going to the dentist. Up until a few years ago, I was never one of those people. Now the thought of lying in a chair whilst someone leans over you inspecting the pearly white you put on display gives me the creeps. There is no fear of the unknown here, and because I am relatively healthy and brush my teeth on a regular basis I usually have control of the outcome. Helas the anxiety still decides to rain supreme reminding me once again that when I am sat in that chair I am vulnerable. I am at the mercy of the dentist and dental nurse. The last time I went I had to have 3 lots of local anesthetic, until I reached the medical limit, and could still feel the pain as they gave me my first ever filling. I'm scared I'm of the pain that might occur.

Anxiety before? 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴⭕
The usual symptoms and panic occur when I am getting ready to go. I'm googling what to wear and freaking out that I don't own anything that would be suitable to wear (irrational). As I get dressed and rush to get ready (because I've spent so much time looking up what to wear I know only have 10 minutes before I need to leave) I start to have little flashbacks of the pain and how uncomfortable I felt last time. I can already feel myself working up towards a panic attack. I manage to keep an attack at bay but got so worked up that a left the house later than what I should (surprise, surprise), I phoned ahead to let them know I'd be running a little let. This is when they inform that my appointment was not at 10.35 am but 10.15 am (I had written it down wrong in my calendar and Diary). All was not lost; I rearranged the appointment for the next day, and since I was already in town I decided to do a bit of shopping (see Day 21)...

Anxiety During?🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕
I fidget in the waiting room playing whatever game I can find in my apps. I'm relieved when I've informed the dentist who I saw previously no longer worked there and that I was going to be seen by a female dentist. When I walked into the room I gave a sigh of relief, the lovely Irish dental nurse I saw last time was sat in the chair with a smile (we found a connection through our experiences with anxiety last time, this woman completely understood me). We started up a conversation straight away, and my mind eased the tension my body as I sat down in the chair. I wasn't worried during the inspection of my pearly whites. I was calm as the dentist explained that I grind and clench my teeth when anxious and that this had lead to flattened teeth. However, when the molding came out to do an impression of my teeth, the fear started to rise. With the casting mixture in my mouth I felt my airways closing in and unable to swallow or breathe. I could feel the panic rising inside and I started crying.
Anxiety After?🔴🔴🔴🔴⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕
The dentist and dental nurse were wonderful, if I could I would see those two every time. They helped me feel the most comfortable I have been to a dentist and even though my anxiety still found its way through the door, I was able to calm myself down quickly with their guidance. Even though I was slightly uncomfortable (and overreacted by crying) I found the experience help me reshape this new fear of the dentist. I would and will happily go back, know I'm able to reinforce the image of going to the dentist with a positive experience things are looking a little brighter.

I've got so much better at going to the dentist to the point where I actually arrive on time or even early. I've been using my nightguard every night and reducing the acidity in my diet, and my dentist seems to be happy with how my teeth are doing which is a win.

If you have any Challenge Ideas; Please comment down below and let me know.
Remember to check out The Video!

Thanks for Reading

Enjoy Day 22? Why not catch up on Day 21?

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