Day 25 Without Anxiety

Ear Piercing

What's The Challenge?
Get a second piercing on both earlobes.
Why The Anxiety?
Someone, a stranger is going to shoot a needle through my skin with a gun, need I say more? The only memory of me ever having my ears pierced was at Claire's accessories at the age of six or seven remember crying and sucking on a lollipop on the way home. I can remember it being painful and thinking that I never wanted to go through it again. I'm really worried that it's going to hurt, I'm worried something will go wrong and I'll end up with a hole somewhere else or with a needle sticking out of my face. I paint such a pretty picture, don't I?

Anxiety before?
I decide this is a challenge where I need moral support and rope in a friend or two to help me out, on my first outing, they had no places available (queue my sigh of relief). I rearranged to go with another friend at a different time. I felt extremely nauseous and genuinely scared, my tummy was doing flips, loops, and jumps, and I was shaking the closer I got to the shop. I'm pretty sure in the video I say I'm pooing my pants, (figuratively of course). I'm happy I chose to do this with Justine, she was an amazing support brilliant camerawoman. Justine helped to calm me down before I went in, I'm glad I asked for help on this one, I could not have done it alone. the nail-biting, stomach-turning, lightheaded sensations stayed with me when I entered the shop and the room.

Anxiety During?
Ruby is the one of the friendliest and understanding I have ever met, she heard I had anxiety and offered to do my piercing straight away. They also allowed us to film our time there which is brilliant (go watch the video). I was walked through every step and Ruby made sure I understood and was happy at each stage of the process. I could not have picked two better people to do this with, Justine was a fabulous multitasker, filming, handholding, reassuring voice and comedian all rolled into one. I was a bit of a wimp with this and flinched at the pen to mark the dot on my ear and at the numbing freeze spray. The first piercing was swiftly followed by the second, the pain was over almost immediately afterward, I was left with slight lightheadedness and itchy ears.

Anxiety After?
I'm proud of myself, as I always am after a challenge. I'm proud because I did the challenge, I completed it and I'm also proud that I wasn't afraid to ask for helping hand. Just because I'm doing these challenges and I'm on this journey doesn't mean I have to do it alone. I'm also buzzing with joy because I have now completed a full 25 challenges and am a quarter of the way through my 100 Days Without Anxiety Challenge! My ears still hurt a little if I touch them but that's normal, I've picked up some saline solution to keep them clean.

My ears have healed nicely and after cleaning them regularly I haven't had a problem. I'm always wearing earing now and don't regret having my seconds done. I haven't got my ears pierced since but am looking into getting a daith piercing, I think they look really pretty and I know I now have the confidence to go and get it done.

If you have any Challenge Ideas; Please comment down below and let me know.
Remember to check out The Video!

Thanks for Reading

Enjoy Day 25? Why not Read/Watch Day 24?

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